This time of Covid has brought each of us a slew of
uninvited challenges.
Business as usual no longer has meaning because there is no ‘usual.’ Improvisation and guesswork have now become the drivers behind planning and direction. But because solid planning is forged on educated experience — and no one living today has experienced anything like the environment we are currently living in — our planning needs to emerge through ‘what-if?’ scenarios, followed by the
‘what thens?’
So what if
I am a rising high school senior
and unable to physically visit colleges I am seriously interested in? What if
I am unable to re-take the SAT or ACT?
What do I do if
I was planning on ED or EA applications
to the colleges that still require standardized testing scores? What if
my parent lost her job and college affordability
has become an increasingly looming question? What if
my style of learning
does not jibe well with an online classroom?
Still, even difficult-to-answer questions deserve thoughtful answers.
Be in touch
if I can support your college process with
clarity and calm
to diminish the confusion that comes with confusing times. I will do my best to share with you what I am learning -- and avoid the guesswork.
Marla Platt, M.B.A. is an independent college consultant based in Sudbury, MA through AchieveCoach College Consulting, providing expert and personalized guidance to students and families throughout the college planning, search and admissions process. Marla is a professional member of the Independent Educational Consultants Association and NACAC and can be reached via