For current juniors and seniors, the notion of touring colleges in-person at this time can feel like a fantasy. Schools vary greatly as to how they are able to receive visitors and set up in-person tours -- and they may shift gears on a dime depending on local conditions.
No doubt that seeing a college in person helps a high schooler to imagine themselves in the school environment, studying and socializing among a community of peers and building connections. Viewing classes in progress, checking out the dining hall, peeking into dorms gives visiting students a view into the vibrancy and vibe of the school.
While schools are generally restricting in-person events to support community safety, it is fortunate that prospective students and families can still visit through virtual platforms. Let your "fingertips do the walking" by logging into schools' admission pages for events that welcome distance visitors to interact and learn about the campus experience.
Some great virtual tour experiences can be found at UMass Amherst, University of Miami, Auburn University, Dartmouth to name just a few. The same can be found at hundreds of other campuses nationally and internationally.
Even with campus closures the norm for now, with a few keyboard clicks you'll be virtually there!
Marla Platt, M.B.A. is an independent college consultant based in Sudbury, MA through AchieveCoach College Consulting, providing expert and personalized guidance to students and families throughout the college planning, search and admissions process. Marla is a professional member of the Independent Educational Consultants Association and NACAC and can be reached via
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