Five new test dates for fall 2020
ACT UPDATE: On Monday, July 27 ACT attempted a large-scale registration to accommodate the thousands of students who have been impacted by test site cancellations resulting from the covid pandemic. Due to an unprecedented registration demand, the ACT registration site became overwhelmed and was thus forced to close before many students were able to successfully register.
The current plan is to open MyACT for 2020-2021 test registration on Monday, August 3 at 10am CT, 11am EST
In an unprecedented move,
the availability of
three additional test dates
for a total of eight possible test dates in fall of 2020. Recognizing the recent impacts on testing opportunities as a result of the current Covid-19 crisis, the new testing schedule offers students
one additional new test date in September
two in October.
In an effort to provide additional access to testing,
Sunday testing
will now be available to
ACT test takers. Previously, Sunday testing had been reserved for students unable to take part in Saturday testing for reasons of religious observance.
The ACT testing schedule for the remainder of 2020
looks like this, with registration opening in July;
- Saturday, September 12
- Sunday, September 13
- Saturday, September 19 (new)
- Saturday, October 10 (new)
- Saturday, October 17 (new)
- Saturday, October 24
- Sunday, October 25
for ACT's official announcement.
Marla Platt, M.B.A. is an independent college consultant based in Sudbury, MA through AchieveCoach College Consulting, providing expert and personalized guidance to students and families throughout the college planning, search and admissions process. Marla is a professional member of the Independent Educational Consultants Association and NACAC and can be reached via